- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 31st March, 2023)
- Number of Healthcare Centres (Sub-Centres, Primary and Community Health Centres) at Rural Areas in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Health Institutions and Beds in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 25.08.2022)
- Number of Healthcare Centres (Sub-Centres, Primary and Community Health Centres) at Rural Areas in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Health Institutions and Beds in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand
(As on 31st March, 2020)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on 31st March, 2018)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on 31st March, 2017)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on 31st March, 2016)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on 31st March, 2015)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on 31st March, 2014)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on March, 2013)
- Status of Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centre under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (2010-2011 and 2011-2012)
- Number of Health Sub Centre Sanctioned, Constructed and Completed in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (2010-2011 and 2011-2012)
- Number of Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on March, 2012)
- Number of Houses used for Hospital, Dispensary etc. (Total/Rural/Urban) in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (2011)
- Number of Hospitals and Beds in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (Upto March, 2011)
- Number of District Hospitals and Sub Divisional Hospitals in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand (As on March, 2011)