- Estimated Literacy Rate by Different Age Groups and Residence in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand
(July 2023-June 2024)
- Estimated Literacy Rate by Different Age Groups and Residence in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand
(July 2022-June 2023)
- Estimated Literacy Rate by Different Age Groups and Residence in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand
(July 2021-June 2022)
- Estimated Literacy Rate by Different Age Groups and Residence in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand
(July 2020-June 2021)
- Estimated Literacy Rate by Different Age Groups and Residence in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand
(July 2017-June 2018)
- Scheduled Tribe Literacy Rate (Person/Male/Female/Total/Rural/Urban) in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand (As per 2011 Census)
- Literacy Rate (Person/Male/Female/Total/Rural/Urban) in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand (As per 2011 Census)
- Population by Educational Level (Graduate and Above) in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand (As per 2011 Census)
- Scheduled Caste Literacy Rate (Person/Male/Female/Total/Rural/Urban) in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand (As per 2011 Census)
- Literacy Rate by Sex and Area in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand (2001)
- Literacy Rate of Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) (Person/Male/Female/Total/Rural/Urban) in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand (2001)