- Physical Progress under BharatNet Project in Saraikela-Kharsawan District of Jharkhand (As on 06.12.2023)
- Number of Gram Panchayats Service under Bharat Net Provider Internet Connectivity through Fiber in Saraikela-Kharsawan District of Jharkhand (2021-2022)
- Number of Gram Panchayats (GPs) Service Ready with Broadband under BharatNet Project in Saraikela-Kharsawan District of Jharkhand (As on 09.07.2021)
- Number of Gram Panchayats Service under Bharat Net Provider Internet Connectivity through Fiber in Saraikela-Kharsawan District of Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Number of Gram Panchayats Service under Bharat Net Provider Internet Connectivity through Fiber in Saraikela-Kharsawan District of Jharkhand (2020)