- Number of Motor Vehicles Checked, Detected and Revenus Collected from Flying Squad by Transport Office in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra (2009-2010)
- Number of Motor Vehicles Checked, Detected and Revenus Collected from Helmet Not Using and Performance of Overloading Goods by Transport Office in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra (2009-2010)
- Office-wise Total Revenue Collected by Transport Office in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra (2004-2005 to 2009-2010)
- Taxes and Fees Collected on Vehicles and Passenger by Transport Office in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra
- Number of Motor Vehicles Checked, Detected and Revenus Collected from PUC Checking and Clandestine Operation by Transport Office in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra (2009-2010)
- Office-wise Taxes and Fees Collected on Vehicles and Passenger in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra (2006-2007)