- Number of Red Cross Branches and First Aid Posts Run by Red Cross Society in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Primary Cooperatives Societies and their Members in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Estimated Average Value and Quantity of Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure
(MPCE) of Total Personal Transport Equipment by Residence in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Membership, Working Capital and Loans Advanced in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Red Cross Branches and their Membership, Junior and Senior Red Cross Groups
and their Membership and First Aid Posts Run by Red Cross Society in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Red Cross Branches and their Membership, Junior and Senior Red Cross Groups
and their Membership and First Aid Posts Run by Red Cross Society in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Membership, Working Capital and Loans Advanced in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Membership, Working Capital and Loans Advanced in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in of Punjab (2016-2017)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Membership, Working Capital and Loans Advanced in Ferozepur District of Punjab (2016-2017)
- Number of Co-operative Societies, Membership, Working Capital and Loans Advanced in Ferozepur District of Punjab (2015-2016)
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in Ferozepur District of Punjab (2015-2016)
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank (Credit and Non-Credit Societies) in Ferozepur District of Punjab
- Number of Co-operative Societies and Bank in Ferozepur District of Punjab (2006-2007)