SECTOR WISE INFORMATION OF All Districts (Uttar Pradesh)
- District-wise Number of Primary and Upper Primary Schools in Uttar Pradesh

- District-wise Number of Primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools in Uttar Pradesh
(As on 30.09.2019)

- District-wise Number of Schools by Stages in Uttar Pradesh (2018-2019)

- District-wise Number of Schools by Stages in Uttar Pradesh (2017-2018)

- District-wise Number of Primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools in Uttar Pradesh
(As on 30.09.2018)

- District-wise Number of Primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools in Uttar Pradesh
(As on 30.09.2017)

- District-wise Number of Schools by Stages in Uttar Pradesh (2016-2017)

- District-wise Number of Schools by Stages in Uttar Pradesh (2015-2016)

- District-wise Number of Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (30.09.2015)

- District-wise Number of University, Degree College, Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2014)

- District-wise Number of Degree Colleges, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools Exclusively for Girls in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2013)

- District-wise Number of University, Degree College, Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2013)

- District-wise Number of University, Degree College, Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2012)

- District-wise Number of Middle Schools, Students and Teachers in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30th September, 2010)

- District-wise Number of Degree Colleges, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools Exclusively for Girls in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2009)

- District-wise Number of University, Degree College, Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30.09.2009)

- District-wise Number of Middle Schools, Students and Teachers in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30th September, 2008)

- District-wise Number of Primary Schools, Enrolment and Teachers in Uttar Pradesh (As on 30th September, 2008)

- District-wise Number of Primary, Middle and Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (2006-2007)

- District-wise Number of Primary, Middle and Secondary/Higher Secondary Schools in Uttar Pradesh (2005-2006)