SECTOR WISE INFORMATION OF Kanpur Dehat (Uttar Pradesh)
- Number of Post Offices by Residence in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices by Residence in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices in Urban and Rural Areas in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices, Telephone Exchanges, Working Telephone Connections and Internet Subscribers in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices per Lakh of Population Served in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices, Telephone Exchanges, Working Telephone Connections and Internet Subscribers in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices, Telephone Exchanges, Working Telephone
Connections and Internet Subscribers in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh

- Number of Post Offices in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 27.03.2017)

- Number of Post Offices, Telephone Exchanges, Working Telephone Connections, Internet Subscribers, W.L.L. Fixed and Mobile Connection in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh (2013-2014)

- Number of Post Offices Functioning in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh (As on 31.03.2011)

- Number of Post Offices, Telephone Exchanges, Working Telephone Connections, Internet Subscribers, W.L.L. Fixed and Mobile Connection in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh (2009-2010)

- Number of Post Offices, Telephone Exchange and Working Telephone Connections in Kanpur Dehat District of Uttar Pradesh (2006-2007)